Money Mindset


International businessman and founder of MMS Academy Joseph James is based between London and Ibiza and is also the host of Money, Mindset and Strategy podcast. MMS Academy offers private and group programs with mindset coaching and business mentoring that have been created to show how to release limiting beliefs about money, generate multiple streams of income, promote your brand in an authentic manner and other relevant tools that are crucial to succeed in today’s business climate

What is money mindset?

Your money mindset consists of the beliefs you hold to be true about yourself, money and what is possible and achievable for you. A person with a healthy money mindset is very comfortable charging well for their services, has clear goals and boundaries and runs their life and business in a manner that works for them. On the contrary, a person who has a limited money mindset probably under charges for their services, doesn’t have clear goals about where they want to be, isn’t comfortable talking about money and most likely has only one stream of income.

Can you share some tips on how our readers can start to upgrade their money mindset?

Absolutely! The first thing I would suggest is to be very clear with what you want to accomplish. I run an online school called MMS Academy and one of the first exercises people get when they join is what I call a“sacred goal setting ritual”. Create a special environment for yourselfor go somewhere meaningful and write down some goals that are meaningful for you. Give yourself permission to claim what you really want. Next, ask yourself “What would I need to believe about myself for that to be true for me?” Your life is the result of your beliefs so we always must start with the mindset.


Next, map out some practical steps you can take towards your goals. Another important part of cultivating a healthy money mindset is using empowering money language (I teach this in depth in MMS Academyas well). Notice where you would use apologetic or negative statements and flip them into a more empowering way of communicating. For example: “Sorry, I don’t work for free” becomes “Happy to help with that, I’ll send over a link to book some time with me and we can get started” Or “Sorry, I need to send you an invoice” becomes “I’ve sent over some paperwork to get things booked in, looking forward to working with you!

What advice would you give to business owners who are navigating the current market?

If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it would be the importance of being in control of your income as much as possible. I teach this in several ways through my private coaching and also my online school. Here are 3 examples: Create multiple income streams- This simply means having more than one way that you or your business generates income at any given time. Any business can create multiple income streams, it’s simply about thinking bigger. One of the best ways to increase your wealth is to create multiple streams of income, so you can make receive money from different sources simultaneously. Sell packages- Any service can be built into a package.

I teach this in depth in MMS Academy and clients are having amazing success with it. Packages have the potential to help your client more than a single service or session, as well as strengthen your relationship while allowing you to charge a much better fee. It’s about creating what I call “mutual abundance”. Offer VIP programs- A portion of your current client and customer base will naturally want a VIP offer but people are not going to upgrade themselves, you have to make it available and suggest it when you feel it’s a good fit. What would a VIP package look like in your business? What would you love to charge for it?

In terms of marketing, now more than ever we need to be tapping into what people really want and highlighting clear benefits that we can bring to them. It’s about building trust and connection with your audience, especially now.


You’ve been called “The ultimate business coach for serious entrepreneurs” How did you get started as a money mindset coach?

I was a publicist for ten years, I worked on some amazing global brands and campaigns and ways found myself naturally coaching people. I started to notice that you could give two people the exact same business strategy and they would get completely different results, largely down to their money mindset and how they feel about themselves. A client I was doing PR for actually watched me as I was coaching without me realizing it and ended up passing clients to me and our relationship grew from there. Now I run an online Academy, have a podcast, a boot camp, coach training and have a private coaching practice with some amazing clients around the world. I love coaching my clients and help them achieve their goals,especially the ones who felt their dreams were unattainable.

What type of clients do you typically work with?

In MMS Academy, we have clients from around the world in many different industries. Similarly, in my private coaching practice, I work with people who want to grow their brand, upgrade their money mindset and take things to the next level with their pricing, income streams and offers. We work on things like: Setting exciting goals, releasing limiting beliefs, mapping out exciting new offers, raising pricing, upgrading marketing messages and creating a customized plan that works with their personality and intentions. Everything we do in MMS private coaching is fully customized to the client’s needs.


How can people work with you?

The first thing I would suggest would be to subscribe to the podcast, have a listen through the episodes so you can get a feel for my styleand way of coaching. For those interested in discussing private or group coaching, you can drop us an email and my team will arrange a time for us to speak about your goals and the best package or program for you. You can also read more about me and Money, Mindset &